Achievements and Media
National Neighborhood Day Achievements to Date:
Greatest participation in National Neighborhood Day events to date. Hundreds of events held around the country. A sampling:
o Louisville, Kentucky hosted a month long neighborhood celebration ending on NND with the presentation of the Mayor’s ‘Good Neighbor Award’ to 26 individuals
o Shreveport, Louisiana held a week of neighborhood activities culminating on NND, with an emphasis on restoring pride and sense of community after Hurricane Katrina
o Waterford, Vermont residents hosted an NND gathering because “we’ve lived here for a year and only knew a handful of people. We live in a very rural and spread out neighborhood so it can be hard to meet people…this is really going to change the way we all live here.”
o Dorchester, Massachusetts held a “Take Back Our Neighborhoods Peace March & Rally” to bring awareness and healing to neighborhoods affected by gun violence.
o The Boy Scout Troop of Mine Hill, New Jersey invited local residents to participate in community improvement projects, an educational program, and a picnic on NND.
o Las Vegas, Nevada supported and publicized six events across the city with such success that“every year we plan to make it progressively bigger.”
o Habitat for Humanity used NND to showcase recently completed houses, welcome new neighbors and publicize their work; Wabash River Heritage used NND to celebrate the opening of a revitalized trail; numerous churches held open houses, “the church as a neighbor”; Syracuse University Off-Campus Student Services used NND to improve relationships between residents and students
- Engaged in partnerships with more than 40 national nonprofit organizations ranging from the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to KaBOOM! to the Hands On Network
- AmeriCorps*VISTA Program approved– Two fully funded positions to use NND principles to provide low-income individuals and communities in Rhode Island access to resources, connections and opportunities that contribute to poverty reduction
- US Conference of Mayors adopted a resolution recommending and encouraging the implementation of NND
- Delivered Keynote at America’s Promise Conference in Providence, RI
- Piloted Neighborhood Grant Program in Providence, which provided up to $500 to nonprofit organizations to host NND events
- Hosted National Film Contestasking: “What does Neighborhood mean to you?” judged by a panel of Academy Award winners and producers
- Strong volunteer Advisory Board made up of national leaders
- Produced first quality Public Service Announcement with a $350,000 production value, all of which was donated as an in-kind contribution.